Thursday, 10 April 2014

Starting to look like a garden!

It's starting to look like a garden!

The building work started pretty slowly, but they have now picked up the pace and got cracking with things. The patio is really taking shape. I'm pleased with the look of the bricks and how it's being finished. The turf was laid today and I can't believe how big the garden looks now! I imagined it all so much smaller in my head so I'm a happy bunny. The borders are sitting empty and I am just aching to get some compost turned in and to get planting! 

I've been drawing up different plans for the plants I've bought and even tried a drawing a coloured picture of what the end result will look like! I've concentrated on what the heights will be and how the plants will complement each other. What I didn't do, was think about their positions and how much sun they will get, which I think I may come to regret. It's a west-facing garden, so each part does get direct sunshine at some point of the day, but the side gets much more of it than the back. 

I've bought 4 climbing roses. The two which I will plant by the house are called 'Blooming Marvellous'. The tag shows it to be a rich pink colour, but I Googled the name and it says it's a deep red rose? Can you have different colours with the same name? I hope it's not red. Don't get me wrong, I do like a red rose, it's just that I want pink ones. Oh, I'll be gutted if it blooms red and I know I won't have the heart to dig it up once it gets going. But no point in worrying about it. Let's wait and see. At least the two I bought to grow up the shed at the back of the garden are both pink and these are the ones I will see more. They are Pink Perpetue and Dorothy Perkins. Ha ha! Dotty P - it had to be done! 

Day 4. No work done.

Day 5. New manhole covers are in place and the base for the patio is down.

Day 6. Patio starts.

Picking up the pace
Day 7 Patio is getting there and the garden is completely dug over.

Day 8

Day 9


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