Tuesday, 1 July 2014

9 weeks after planting

Well a couple of months have gone by since the garden was planted out. 

In the section in front of the shed, both delphiniums have died. Not surprising as they were mostly in shade. Also the fuchsia has only grown about 2 inches! Both clematis were full and blooming until the snails got to them and had a feast. One day they were both looking beautiful, the next they were stumpy and munched! Everything else seems to be doing ok.

In the long sunny side border, everything is coming along nicely. One of the Knautia Melton Pastels is covered in a white powdery sort of mildew, but it hasn't spread to the other one, nor anything else. It also hasn't stopped the plant growing and flowering so I've left it alone.

My sweetpeas in the pots are just starting to flower, but the ones along the netting haven't yet. 

The tomato plant has turned yellow! It has a few flowers, but nothing to get excited about. I had 2 courgettes growing nicely until they both just snapped and fell off whilst still small! I have put my disappointment aside as there are more starting to sprout! I have never grown veg before and have no idea what I am doing, so any sign of life is good for me!! 

Our strawberries have been doing well! Every day we have been able to pick and eat some and all bar about 3 have been delicious! Our daughter absolutely loves them, so we will definitely grow more of them next year. 

Here's how it's all looking.


Monday, 28 April 2014

Plants are in!

Wow, what a busy few weeks it's been here! Once the builders had finished, I got out there, turned all that soil over and really dug in some good compost to get the ground ready. All the plants I had bought that were sitting over the road, were carried over and laid out according to my plans. Then I spent a good few, wonderful, exciting hours tenderly and happily planting each one into their new and eternal home.

Well, it turns out that 'eternal' actually meant 'temporary' for some! You know I told you that the back only got some sun? It doesn't. It's in total shade all day. So, up came all the ones that need full sun and they were moved to the side border. I now probably have far too many in the side now, but as cottage gardens are supposed to be full and bursting, it might be ok. I got all the books back out and got back on the internet again to choose some shade loving plants. I'm really gutted as I had a real picture in my head of what that area would look like, but it's just not going to work out that way. 

Plants I have in the shaded back bed;
Alchemilla Mollis x 2
Antirrhinum mixed x 24
Aquilegia vulgaris Winky Blue & White
Astilbe Pink x 2
Astilbe Red
Clematis Carnaby x 2
Delphinium Astolat
Delphinium Cherry Blossom x 2
Digitalis purpurea F1 Dalmation Rose x 2
Digitalis purpurea F1 Dalmation Peach
Dicentrea Spectabilis
Erysimum Muurbloem
Fuchsia Mrs Popple
Gypsophila Pacifica Pink
Hosta Brim Cup
Hosta Frances William
Hosta Twilight
Salvia Caradonna
I've also put in a few old floppy bluebell and white bluebell plants in the hope they take root and come up next year. Here's how all that looks: 

At the side, I now have (deep breath);
Allium Sphaerocephalon x 6
Aquilegia Biedermeier Group
Aquilegia Nora Barlow
Aquilegia Woodside Gold
Aster Little Pink Beauty x 2
Aster Snowsprite
Aubrieta Deep Purple
Aubrieta Magenta
Aubrieta Light Blue
Digitalis Camelot Rose
Digitalis Foxy
Digitalis purpurea Apricot
Diascia Aurora Apricot
Echinops Ritro x 3
Helenium Moorheim Beauty x 3
Hydrangea hortensis King George
Knautia Melton Pastels x 2
Nemesia Aromatica Scarlet
Nemesia Aromatica Sky Blue x 2
Nemesia sunsatia Blackberry x 2
Penstemon King George V
Penstemon Raven
Polemonium Caeruleum Alba
Potentilla Miss Willmott x 2
Salvia Wendy's Wish
Scabiosa Pincushion Blue
Verbena Bonariensis 
Verbena Bonariensis Lollipop
Also have one or two unknown little plants that my sister gave me from her garden. Here's how that all looks; 

As my husband is a roofer, he had a number of chimney pots that had been collected over the years. I have used these as planters for petunias and snapdragons. I also have 2 lavender plants which my mother in law bought as a present. 

I bought 12 pots of sweetpeas. Each pot contained about 25 to 30 individual plants. There was a sign next to them at the nursery, which said 'do not split out, plant whole pot as one', but when I googled and YouTube'd sweetpea planting, most said I should thin them out and plant each one individually. Which meant, if this was correct, that I had up to 360 plants to find homes for!! Ha ha!! I've planted a load individually in 3 long low planters and have attached some netting against the fence, hoping for a nice wall of sweetpeas and have 2 standard pots with bamboo wigwams. The bamboo is pretty short, but I have longer ones if I need them. I still have 3 pots left, each with about 30 plants, that are kind of just sitting together in a bowl. Not sure where to put them. I think I should do another wigwam for these with the taller bamboo and plant the whole lot and see what happens!

I also have some vegetables! I've got 10 x lettuce Lollo Bionda which have grown quite well, a tomato plant 'gardeners delight', courgette plants x 2, and three strawberry plants 'Malwina, Elegance and Sweetheart' varieties. Oh and a large rosemary plant - have to have fresh rosemary and crushed garlic for my roast potatoes! Yummy! 

In front of the patio I have planted 7 box plants, in the hope these will grow over the years into a neat little hedge. 

Against the narrow wall next to the house, I have planted the roses. I have planted one of the 'blooming marvellous' and have given the other one to my mum. Next to it I planted 'pink perpetue' which was originally at the back and was dug up. The fourth one I'd bought, Dorothy Perkins, has also gone in, but I have a funny feeling that it's died as nothing has happened to it since it was bought weeks ago, yet all the others show signs of growth. 

We have also painted the back of the house cream. 

All in all, it's starting to come together and I can get a sense of what things could look like if they all grow and bloom as they should. I'm very impatient and want them all to grow right now please thank you very much, but I have to wait. Still, it's all very exciting!

Now we need to buy a table and chairs and a barbeque, and put up the bunting!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Starting to look like a garden!

It's starting to look like a garden!

The building work started pretty slowly, but they have now picked up the pace and got cracking with things. The patio is really taking shape. I'm pleased with the look of the bricks and how it's being finished. The turf was laid today and I can't believe how big the garden looks now! I imagined it all so much smaller in my head so I'm a happy bunny. The borders are sitting empty and I am just aching to get some compost turned in and to get planting! 

I've been drawing up different plans for the plants I've bought and even tried a drawing a coloured picture of what the end result will look like! I've concentrated on what the heights will be and how the plants will complement each other. What I didn't do, was think about their positions and how much sun they will get, which I think I may come to regret. It's a west-facing garden, so each part does get direct sunshine at some point of the day, but the side gets much more of it than the back. 

I've bought 4 climbing roses. The two which I will plant by the house are called 'Blooming Marvellous'. The tag shows it to be a rich pink colour, but I Googled the name and it says it's a deep red rose? Can you have different colours with the same name? I hope it's not red. Don't get me wrong, I do like a red rose, it's just that I want pink ones. Oh, I'll be gutted if it blooms red and I know I won't have the heart to dig it up once it gets going. But no point in worrying about it. Let's wait and see. At least the two I bought to grow up the shed at the back of the garden are both pink and these are the ones I will see more. They are Pink Perpetue and Dorothy Perkins. Ha ha! Dotty P - it had to be done! 

Day 4. No work done.

Day 5. New manhole covers are in place and the base for the patio is down.

Day 6. Patio starts.

Picking up the pace
Day 7 Patio is getting there and the garden is completely dug over.

Day 8

Day 9


Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Got the builders in

I'm pleased to say that I've got the builders in! They arrived at 8 o'clock sharp on Monday morning and work on the garden has begun! Horrah!

They are here to refit a soil pipe and build a patio area for me. They will also aerate the rest of the garden and lay some topsoil and turf. The planting and everything else will all be done by moi! 

I want an old cottage style garden so I've opted for old looking bricks for the patio rather than modern limestone rectangular slabs. 

Now that the supporting wall for the patio is done, I can really get a sense of what the finished size will be. It looks a lot bigger than I expected! We want to get a table and chairs and I think a 6 seater will actually fit nicely. 

There will be a step down to a new lawn and there will be 2 borders, which I aim to fill with typical cottage type plants, mostly perennials. 

The landscape work won't be finished until the weekend at the earliest, but I have already started shopping for plants this week! I know, I know, but I couldn't help myself as I am so excited! Thankfully my parents live opposite so all my new garden babies are sitting in their pots over the road, getting ready to move in.  

One or two of the plants were bought because they remind me of when I was little. For example, the hydrangea (I've chosen a young King George). We used to have one in the front garden and I remember laying on the grass next to it, in the warm sunshine during the summer holidays, fascinated by the huge round balls of tiny petals. I knew I had to buy one!

I loved being outside and helping mum and dad in the garden when I was little. Dad used to grow runner beans all along the side fence. I wish I could do the same, but I don't think ours gets enough sunshine. I'll have to make a point of checking this. He gave me and my sisters a little plot each to grow anything of our choice. I chose radishes of all things! I remember the excitement of planting the seeds and then seeing the first signs of green peeping through the soil. When they were ready I ate the first one as soon as I pulled it out, dirt and all. What satisfaction!

I want our daughter to experience all the joys of gardening too, just I did when I was growing up. She is  nearly 17 months old and loves being outside. She has a mini garden tool set and loves to scrap at the dirt and pass me stones, soil or worms! 

I'm so glad the garden plans are finally underway so we can enjoy the summer outside this year in a nice and safe place! 

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Let the fun begin!

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am!

For ten long years I lived in a second floor flat with no outside space to call my own. Every day I longed to have a garden and imagined how lovely it would be to sit outside on a warm spring morning, to enjoy a hot coffee and some breakfast whilst being serenaded by birdsong, then to spend an afternoon pottering amongst the borders, pulling a weed or two and sitting back to enjoy the delicious colours and scents of the surrounding flowers...

My husband and I moved into this house last January, just weeks after I had given birth to our first child. We were adjusting to parenthood and had plenty of decorating and renovating still to do in the house, so the garden had to be last on our list of priorities.

But here we are, 14 months later. We are settled. The house is finished. The baby is now a toddler. I can finally get in the garden!!! Yippee!!! Oh wait... That's not a garden.... That's a mess.

Hmmm..... turning this wasteland into a cottage garden is going to take a lot of time and hard work!!

I need some help! 

I've been in contact with many landscape gardeners recently. We finally made our choice and I'm very excited that work begins on Monday!! Yay!!

I decided to create this blog to share my gardening journey with you. I have no experience, I have everything to learn, but I will enjoy my experiences and will hopefully learn from my mistakes. I have a vision of what the end result will look like, let's just hope I get there in one piece! 

Let the fun begin!