Tuesday, 1 July 2014

9 weeks after planting

Well a couple of months have gone by since the garden was planted out. 

In the section in front of the shed, both delphiniums have died. Not surprising as they were mostly in shade. Also the fuchsia has only grown about 2 inches! Both clematis were full and blooming until the snails got to them and had a feast. One day they were both looking beautiful, the next they were stumpy and munched! Everything else seems to be doing ok.

In the long sunny side border, everything is coming along nicely. One of the Knautia Melton Pastels is covered in a white powdery sort of mildew, but it hasn't spread to the other one, nor anything else. It also hasn't stopped the plant growing and flowering so I've left it alone.

My sweetpeas in the pots are just starting to flower, but the ones along the netting haven't yet. 

The tomato plant has turned yellow! It has a few flowers, but nothing to get excited about. I had 2 courgettes growing nicely until they both just snapped and fell off whilst still small! I have put my disappointment aside as there are more starting to sprout! I have never grown veg before and have no idea what I am doing, so any sign of life is good for me!! 

Our strawberries have been doing well! Every day we have been able to pick and eat some and all bar about 3 have been delicious! Our daughter absolutely loves them, so we will definitely grow more of them next year. 

Here's how it's all looking.